Attention: This page was designed to hurt your childlike, romantic and perhaps even your religious feelings! If you think Howard Stern to be tasteless and The Red Hot Chilly Peppers to be cynical, then Luzifer is too hot stuff for you. You may click to choose:
Yes, I'm an hopeful cynic and want Luzifer to spoil Christmas for me.
No, I'm a conservative character, believing in christmas presents worth an nicaraguan familiy's one year budget and want to be redirected to!
Christmas well doneSanta Claus felt satisfied. He had done it once again: 270 million households in less than 9 hours - including Hawaii and that polars research stations. He had set up a fire and lit his pipe. And than he had opened that special bottle of vodka he had been saving for himself. No colourful christmas wrapping. Just the bottle and the booze. After the second quarter he really started to relax. Okay, he had not finished, in a strict sense. There were still some parcels left. But the kids shooting up other kids in Texas had not been good kids anyhow, in a strict sense. The fire crackled romantically and the roast meat smelled deliciously. |
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After emptying the bottle Santa even forgot about the reindeers that cuddled together in the wood with that panic filled look. |
Ha, Rudolph! Santa lifted his dizzied head. The sledge had made wonderful fire wood. The roast should be ready any moment. Santa reached for the bowie knife. | |
Barbie's Letter to Santa ClausDear Santa, Listen you fat troll, I've been saving your ass every year, being the perfect Christmas Present, wearing skimpy bathing suits in December and dressing in fake Chanel at sappy tea parties. I hate to break it to ya', Santa, but it's payback time. There had better be some changes around here, or I'm gonna call for a nation wide meltdown, and trust me, you don't wanna be around to smell it. These are my demands for the new millenium: 1. Sweat pants and an oversized sweatshirt. I'm sick of looking like a hooker in hot pink bikinis. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have nylon and velcro up your butt? I don't suppose you do. 2. Real underwear that can be pulled on and off. The cheap-o molded underwear some genius at Mattel came up with looks like cellulite! 3. A REAL man... I don't care if you have to go to HasBro to get him, bring me GI Joe. Hell, I'd take Tickle-Me-Elmo over that pathetic bump of a boy toy, Ken. And what was up with that earring anyways? Hullo!?! 4. It's about time you made us all anatomically correct. Give me arms that actually bend so I can push the aforementioned Ken-wimp away once he is anatomically correct. 5. Breast reduction surgery. 'Nuff said. 6. A jog-bra. To wear until I get the surgery. 7. A new career. Pet doctor and school teachers make real money. 8. A new, more millenium-like persona. Maybe "PMS Barbie," complete with a pint of cookie dough ice cream and a bag of chips. 9. No more McDonald's endorsements. The grease is wrecking my vinyl complexion. 10. Mattel stock options. It's been 40 years - I think I deserve a piece of the action. Considering my valuable contribution to society and Mattel, I think these demands are reasonable. If you don't like it, you can find yourself a new bitch for next Christmas. It's that simple. As ever, ....... Barbie |
Ken's Letter To Santa:Dear Santa, It has come to my attention that one of my colleagues has petitioned for changes in her contract, specifically asking for anatomical and career changes. In addition, it is my understanding that disparaging remarks were made about me, my sexuality, and some of my fashion choices. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of issues concerning Ms. Barbie, as well as some of my own needs and desires: First, I, alone with several of my colleagues feel Ms. Barbie DOES NOT deserve the preferential treatment she has received over the years. That bitch has everything. Neither I, nor Joe, Jem nor The Raggedys, Ann & Andy, have dreamhouses, Corvettes, dune buggies, evening gowns, and some of us do not even have the ability to change our hairstyle. I have a limited wardrobe, obviously designed to complement but never upstage Ms. Barbie. My decision to accessorize with an earring was immediately quashed, which I protest, for it was my decision and reflects my lifestyle choice. I would like a change in my career to further explore my creative nature. Some options which could be considered are "Decorator Ken," "Beauty Salon Ken," or "Broadway Ken." Other avenues which could be considered are: "Go-Go Ken," Impersonator Ken" (with wigs and gowns), or "West Hollywood Ken." These would more accurately reflect my interests and, I believe open up markets that have been underserved. As for Ms. Barbie needing bendable arms so she can "push me away", I need bendable knees so I can kick the bitch to the curb. Bendable knees would also be helpful in other situations of which you are aware. In closing, further concessions to the Blonde Bimbo from Hell, while the needs of others within my coalition are ignored, will result in legal action to be taken by myself and others. Sincerely, Ken There are secret passages on this page and secret pages on this site. |
Soon to come:
Santa the Barbarian
Mary Christmas & The Missile Toes
Santa the Re-Panther
Chainsaw Santa & The Reindeer Chaingang
Randolph the rude-nosed reindeer (cyborg version)
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Last Update: January 20th 2001, 22.00 Uhr
Last manual check on links on this page: 10. Januar 2001