If everyone behaved like spammers:
Bankrobbers, muggers, highway robbers and other heavies
"Why work if you can have money for free?"
"YOU can be a millionaire, too."
"We decided to make a difference."
"Please deliver all the money just by putting it here."
"It's that easy: JUST PUT THE MONEY HERE!"
"Just think: Would you like to get shot?"
"Thank you for your cooperation."
"This act was committed in compliance with the Jesse James Absurd Legitimacy Act of 1881 according to the Third Constitutional Amendment about the right to do what ever you want if you have a gun."
"This is not crime. Please consider this act as part of the liberties free trade gives to the people."
"However, if you did not request a criminal act or do not want to be on our victim list, please call here giving your personal data to: Giacomo Dubiosi 001-8923-145981 to assure to get robbed by every maniac in town."
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Coming up on this pages (preview):
Identify Terrorists
Last Update: December 12th, 2001, 02.00 o'clock
Last manual check on links on this page: December 12th, 2001
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