If everyone behaved like spammers:
Terrorists, guerilla and other murderous fanatics
"Do you think you are paid what you are worth?"
"Do you control the course of your day, or does someone watch over you?"
"Our mission is to help other people develop their life long dreams."
"Your Future May Depend on it!"
"Do not wait until some lone nut shoots you by accident."
"Do not stand in line until it's your turn to get tied to a ton of dynamite."
"You do not have to thank us. We love our work and believe in what we do. Over 5.000 hostages and civilians served every day."
"In the name of what god ever. Because a good massacre does not have to cost much money."
"This terror act has been dumped on you as a person interested in getting killed by us. If this attack reached you by error, or you do not wish to receive this type of treatment in the future, please click - at no cost to you - on this red button to get things over with."
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Coming up on this pages (preview):
Identify Terrorists
Last Update: December 12th, 2001, 02.00 o'clock
Last manual check on links on this page: December 12th, 2001
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