When the last kalender-sheets
flattern through the winter streets
and decemberwind ist blowing -
then is everybody knowing
that it is not allzuweit:
coming is the weihnachtszeit!
All the menschen, kinder, people,
flippen out of ihr warm stüb'l
run to kaufhof, aldi, mess,
make consum and business.
kaufen this and jenes dings -
and the churchturmglocke rings!
Alle are on hurry trab,
jagen highstreet auf and ab.
schilder-gass along and quer,
in the old town hin und her.
And they carry in den händen
plastik tütes with präsenten.
the buyer grinst, the seller lacht:
who has business gemacht?
everybody thinks: that's fine -
yes, this is the weihnachtstime!
Viele kaufen sich a tännchen.
when this brennt, they cry "attention!"
rufen for the feuerwehr:
"please, come quick to mir here her!"
goes the tännchen auf in rauch,
they are standing on the schlauch!
In these days with stress and noise
hears man oft des Heinos voice.
sings he too deep then ringsaround
the people go to underground.
but when he sings vielleicht too high,
the people gucken in the sky.
In the kitchen of the house
mother makes a christmas-schmaus.
nach rezepten "oetker-kraft".
it is super, what she schafft!
she is working, schufting, bakes -
the hit is now her joghurt-keks.
And the opa says als tester:
"I'm filled up bis zu silvester!"
Copyright © 2000 by Fandora